My journey so far… slightly peckish, but feeling good for it!

So, my health kick-start. How is it going I hear you ask! Below, I have tried to summarise the main points that I discussed in my first blog to give you a feel for how I am finding my journey, including the highs and lows.

How is the 5-2 diet going?

I am still finding that the 5-2 diet is suiting and going well. The only time on the ‘2 days’ (where I consume 300 calories each day) that I am feeling hungry and rather tired is around 4pm. The chocolate is calling me, but I am resisting! I am currently exploring foods that will help keep the hunger at bay on the two days, looking at it from a ‘fuel’ perspective. Do you have any tips on this? Have you found anything that works for you?

Am I keeping up with the exercise?

Yes and loving it! Last weekend I cycled from Bristol to Weston-super-Mare (around 25 miles) with my cycling group, swimming once a week for around an hour and I have increased the amount I have been walking. Even though I am feeling tired at times, maybe this is due to the change in my diet. I feel stronger and am sleeping much better. I hope this continues – I will keep you posted!

The diet app:

Sadly, the app didn’t meet my needs from a blind perspective, my reading software was not compatible. However, I am not going to look for another as the 5-2 diet is giving me enough structure. I also love the fact that so many people I speak to have found success using it, as it is such a recognised diet, so it feels like a little community.

Overall feeling:

Even though I am feeling slightly tired at certain points of the day, I am feeling much more energised. I am sleeping better, feeling more focused and my weight loss is continuing steadily. It has not been quite as dramatic as the first week or so, but I am approaching this sensibly and keeping to my mantra: be kind to yourself, educate yourself about food & nutrition (I am not a nutritionist), keep exercising and understanding ‘you are what you eat’.

Until next time,


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