My health and wellbeing kick start – the journey begins!

I have decided to practise what I preach and want to make some positive lifestyle changes to improve my own health and well-being. To motivate me with this journey I want to keep you posted on how I am doing to see if my experience can help you too! My overall aim is pretty simple: I want to feel healthier and lose some weight.

The mantra I intend to follow is: be kind to yourself, educate yourself about food & nutrition (I am not a nutritionist), keep exercising and understanding ‘you are what you eat’.

After much research and consideration I have decided to get this started by using the 5:2 diet (I have included a link from the BBC website if you are not familiar with the concept, please click here) and so far, I don’t even feel like I’m on a diet! It seems a good way to lose weight without losing the nutrients. Keeping healthy while working on portion control.

I want to take a sensible approach to this, it’s not a crash diet. I am going to trial using an app – to help with my motivation – I have already lost 10 pounds!

I will continue to swim, exercise and receive massage treatments to compliment my new diet and approach to food.

I am going to post on my blog every week or so to keep you updated with my progress and hopefully share with you some useful tips of what I have found helpful and what has and hasn’t worked!

Until next time,

Take care, Sally

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